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Data offloading


TODO - this section needs detailed review

Using Mariadb-dump utility

The simplest way to offload your database is to use the mariadb-dump utility:

  • The mariadb-dump utility provides a command-line interface (CLI)
  • The mariadb-dump utility is available for Linux and Windows
  • The mariadb-dump utility supports many command-line options
  • Egress charges may apply for customer-initiated backups

mariadb-dump usage is fully described here.

Using MariaDB client

Use MariaDB Client with the connection information to export your schema from your MariaDB SkySQL database service. Here is an example to export all rows from a single table:

      --user DATABASE_USER --password \
      --ssl-verify-server-cert \
      --default-character-set=utf8 \
      --batch \
      --skip-column-names \
      --execute='SELECT * FROM accounts.contacts;' \
      > contacts.tsv
  • Replace FULLY_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME with the Fully Qualified Domain Name of your service.
  • Replace TCP_PORT with the read-write or read-only port of your service.
  • Replace DATABASE_USER with the default username for your service, or the username you created.
  • Replace ~/PATH_TO_PEM_FILE with the path to the certificate authority chain (.pem) file.
  • Optionally, for large tables, specify the -quick command-line option to disable result caching and reduce memory usage.

Select into Outfile

you can use the SELECT INTO OUTFILE statement to export query results directly to a file. This is useful for exporting specific data from tables.

  • Usage:

    SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/path/to/file.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' FROM your_table;


Note that this file system export is not directly accessible to SkySQL users. To generate CSV files, you should contact SkySQL support.

Replicating data from SkySQL to a compatible external DB