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Data-in-Transit Encryption

SkySQL features data-in-transit encryption by default.


By default, SkySQL services feature data-in-transit encryption for client connections: -TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 are supported. SSL/TLS certificates and encryption settings are not customer-configurable.

For information on how to connect with TLS, see "Connect and Query".

The "Disable SSL/TLS" option may be appropriate for some customers when also using AWS PrivateLink or GCP VPC Peering.


SkySQL services perform server-to-server communication between MariaDB MaxScale, MariaDB Enterprise Server, MariaDB Xpand nodes, and SkySQL infrastructure.

By default, these server-to-server communications are protected with data-in-transit encryption:

For SkySQL Services on AWS, see "Encryption in transit(AWS)". SkySQL uses configurations which feature automatic in-transit encryption.

For SkySQL Services on GCP, see "Encryption in transit (GCP)". SkySQL uses encryption by default.

For SkySQL Services on Azure, see "Encryption in transit (Azure)". SkySQL uses encryption by default.

Data-at-Rest Encryption

SkySQL features transparent data-at-rest encryption.

SkySQL Services on AWS use Amazon EBS encryption.

SkySQL Services on GCP benefits from encryption by default.

SkySQL Services on Azure use Azure Disk Encryption.